Better jgn tnye aku cos ni psl ape. Cz aku sumpah xtau,wpn aku 3pointer stdnt,tp aku ttp xpst dgn ape yg aku blaja. Ok,so skrg ni aku da final year :) :( xtau pe perasaan skrg,mybe aku ske sgt2 sbb aku akn tgglkn cos ni. Tata~ tp sblm tu aku kne pass sume dr performance kt clinical placement smpilah ke case stdy yg bakal d tnda oleh lecturer. pape pon,aku hrp sgt aku lulus dgn cmrlng. My beloved lecturers,pls allow me to pass. Cz fyi,sy dr sem1 lg da xnk cos ni. tp sy gagahkn jgak sbb sy da buang mse kt Pra dip dlu. Sy xsggp nk repeat n blme2 lg dlm cos ni. Please allow me to pass and being an engineer. I beg all of u.
It's not like i have no interest in this cos,tp ye mmg sy xmnat. Sy xske perasaan ikhlas buatan sy ni. sy plastik dan xmenempa sebarang pahala lgsg. Sy xske. Cos ni bley dpt pahala dan dosa,dan anggpan sy skrg,sy byk dpt dosa. Sy xtau perasaan sy ketika treat patient psy yg b'mcm2 ragam. tak tau perasaan sy ketika treat patient kanak2 yg cp,hyperactive. Dan sy pnh tmpar patient ADHD yg ludah sy. Maafkn sy,tp ht sy xkn ikhlas selagi ini cos yg sy blaja dan lmbt lg akn abes. Ya Allah,Forgive Me For All My Sins.. Buat mse skrg ni,permudahkanlah sgla urusan Ya Allah. Wujudkn sedikit keikhlasan spya aku npak gmbre merwat dan melayan ragam pesakit. utk seketika ini.. Sehingga 8April 2011 nnt.....
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Please Shoot Me Dead
Yes.Please! I'm Half-Dead Here. Waiting for this bullshit course and clinical placement end. I'm not that patient! Pls Someone come and save,drag me out of this hell! this is not what i've always wanted keh! Ok,this course is sooooo not b'gaya but mulia. But i need something more b'gaya! Not mulia! Mulia iss pretty subjective,can be found anywhere. Not only from hospitals. .i do not gain any supports from my parents. i also do not support myself to be any longer in this course.
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